4 Best Online Course Platforms

4 Best Online Course Platforms

If you want to run your own business, we recommend that you organize an online course to sell your content.

Today, a variety of sites are available for selling online courses.

Moreover, there are many sites that are free to use, making them perfect for startups.

In this issue, we will introduce some of the recommended online course platforms.

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※Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which can provide compensation to us at no cost to you if you decide to purchase a paid plan.

What’s Online Course Platforms?

An online course platform is an online education platform that provides educational content over the Internet and allows learners to learn at their own pace.

Learners select courses that interest them and learn through video and audio content.

On-demand learning is available, allowing learners to progress at their own convenience.

They can also interact with instructors and other learners through communication and feedback, and take tests and assessments.

Online course platforms provide flexibility and accessibility to courses to meet a variety of learning needs, including self-learning and professional training.

They can connect you with instructors and learners around the world without geographical limitations.

It is also possible to create a global learning community.

Online course platforms play an important role in modern education and provide valuable learning opportunities for learners.

Pros of Online Course Platforms

Ease of Access

Students can study regardless of their location or time, as long as they have access to the Internet.

This allows us to reach a global audience.

Cost Efficiency

Operating costs can be reduced by eliminating the cost of physical classrooms and course materials.

Students also save on transportation and lodging costs.

Flexible learning pace

By providing on-demand learning content, students can study at their own pace.

This allows for different learning styles and schedules.

Interactive Learning

Students can interact with each other and the instructor through chat functions, forum quiz assignments, and more.

This enhances the depth of learning.

Data Analysis and Feedback

Real-time analysis of learning progress and performance data allows for tailored instruction to individual student needs.

Instant feedback can also be provided.


The online platform allows for an unlimited number of students, so once content is created, it can be delivered to a large number of students.

Cons of Online Course Platforms

Technical problems

Internet connection and device issuesPlatform technical troubles and other problems may occur.

This may interrupt the learning experience.

Lack of face-to-face communication

Face-to-face communication can be difficult and maintaining trust and motivation between student and instructor can be a challenge.

Variation in learning effectiveness

Because the program requires self-directed learning, it may not be suitable for students with low self-discipline.

In addition, learning effectiveness may vary greatly from one participant to another.

Initial Setup and Operating Costs

Highly functional online course tools can be expensive to set up and operate.

Content creation also requires time and money.

Privacy and Security

Since course participants’ data is handled, privacy and security measures are required.

Resources are needed to address these issues.

Recomended for Online Course Platforms

Corporate Training Managers

Online course tools are very useful to efficiently upskill and train employees.

Educational Institutions

It is useful for universities and technical schools to offer online courses or hybrid formats.

It can be especially useful for situations where remote learning is required.

Private tutors and coaches

For tutors and coaches who teach individual instruction or specific skills, online course tools can be an effective way to reach a wide audience.

Startups and SMEs

Online courses are a cost-effective and scalable way to train customers and partners on new services and products.

Remote Workers

Online course tools provide a flexible means of learning for those seeking to improve their skills or continuing education in a remote work environment.

Not Recomended for Online Course Platforms

When face-to-face instruction is important

Online course tools are not suitable for learning content where direct face-to-face instruction and practical skills are important.

They are not suitable for education where hands-on experience in real-life situations is essential.

People unfamiliar with technology

If you find it difficult to operate online tools or if you do not have an Internet environment, it will be difficult to take online courses.

People who have difficulty with self-discipline

The online course format may not be suitable for those who have difficulty learning autonomously.

Face-to-face or hybrid formats are preferable for such learners.

When specialized support is needed

If you need individualized support or customized learning content in a specific area of expertise, standard online course tools may not be suitable for you.

If you are privacy-sensitive

If you have strong concerns about managing student data and protecting privacy, you may not be comfortable using an online platform.

How to Select Online Course Platforms


When selling online courses, a commission is charged.

The platform earns revenue from these commissions.

However, as a creator of online courses, you want to keep your commissions as low as possible.

Make sure to check the commissions as well.

Choose a platform that strikes a balance between commissions and features.

Payment Methods

The types of payment methods vary widely from platform to platform.

Most platforms accept credit cards.

Other than that, PayPal and carrier payments are also supported.

Be sure to look at the number of payment methods available.

Tool integration

Online course platforms can be even more convenient by integrating with other tools.

For example, payment and email.

By utilizing tool integration, you can create a sales funnel.

Let’s check what tools can be linked to the platform.


Online courses do not sell just by creating them.

In fact, you can say that it is only after you have created the course that you can start selling it.

So how do you sell them?

One way is to use the affiliate function.

Some online course platforms can offer their own affiliates.

Use an affiliate to sell your online courses.

Best Online Course Platforms

Service Monthly Free Trial Fee Payment method integrate affiliate
teachable $59 0%~10% Credit card



Intuit Mailchimp

Zapier etc.

payhip $29 0%~5% Credit card




Zapier etc.

LearnWorlds $29 〇(30Days) 0% Credit card




Zapier etc.

mighty networks $119 〇(14Days) 2%~3% Credit card



Zapier etc.



Monthly $59
Free Trial
Fee Free Plan:10%

Paid Plan:0~5%

Payment method Credit card


integrate Stripe


Intuit Mailchimp


Zapier etc.

teachable is an all-in-one educational support platform that allows users to easily launch online courses.

Creators and educators can create and market their own courses and content.

The platform offers simplicity in course creation, customizability, marketing tools, a variety of monetization options, and student management.

It is ideal for anyone who wants to start an online education business as an easy-to-use and effective tool that can be used by beginners and advanced students alike.


Pricing starts at $59/month for the Basic plan.

teachable features are summarized as follows

Free Basic Pro
fee $1+10% 5% 0%
course 1 5 unlimited
student unlimited unlimited unlimited
mail ×
affiliate marketing × ×
coupon ×
logo ×

\Start For Free!/

3 Months off when you sign up for annual plan


Monthly $29
Free Trial
Fee Free Plan:5%

Paid Plan:0~2%

Payment method Credit card


integrate Stripe


Zapier etc.

payhip is an all-in-one platform for selling digital downloads, online courses, coaching, memberships, and merchandise.

With payhip, you create a website using a customizable store builder.

Custom domains can be connected.

You can also embed payhip functionality into your existing website.

payhip is trusted by over 130,000 creators.

Easy to use interface and excellent customer service features.

Sign up for free to get started.


payhip features are summarized as follows

Monthly Free $29 $99
Annual Free $348 $1,188
fee 5% 2% Free
all function
product unlimited unlimited unlimited
revenue unlimited unlimited unlimited

\Start For Free!/


Monthly $29
Fee 0%
Free Trial 〇(30Days)
Payment method Credit card


integrate WordPress





Intuit Mailchimp


Zapier etc.

LearnWorlds, an online course platform that allows you to interact with students in a unique way.

LearnWorlds allows the use of communication methods such as quizzes, surveys, and interactive videos.

A wide variety of help information is also available.

You can visualize students’ level of understanding so you can see where they are getting stuck.

24/7 support is available to help you when you need it.


LearnWorlds features are summarized as follows

Starter Pro Trainer Learning Center
fee $5 0% 0%
course unlimited unlimited unlimited
student unlimited unlimited unlimited
page 3 unlimited unlimited
free course ×
private course ×
affiliate ×
bundle ×
ZOOM lesson ×
Email Notification
account 1 5 20

LearnWorlds offers a 30-day free trial.

\Try for free!/

20% off when you sign up for annual plan

mighty networks

Monthly $119
Free Trial 〇(14Days)
Fee 2%~3%
Payment method Credit card


integrate Stripe

Zapier etc.

mighty networks is a platform designed to help build community course memberships.

The platform is designed to leverage AI to automate community management and help users develop vibrant communities without hassle.

Mighty networks makes it easy to create different types of communities, including paid memberships, online course challenges, and events.

It offers a feature called People Magic, which helps members find commonalities and introduce them to each other to encourage more interaction.

This makes it easier to build relationships and increase engagement within a community.


mighty networks is also a highly profitable platform, with many users generating revenue through paid memberships and course events.

For example, users can offer memberships for $48 per month or courses for $500 or more.

Mighty also offers a service called Mighty Pro, which includes the provision of its own branded app and professional transition services strategy support.

This service allows you to further enhance your community operations.

Mighty networks has popular communities in a variety of categories, including professional development, personal development, health and wellness brands, and nonprofit organizations.

Prominent brands such as Tony Robbins and the TED Community also use the platform.

mighty networks is favored by many for providing comprehensive tools and services that make it easy for users to build and grow highly profitable communities.


mighty networks features are summarized as follows

The Community Plan The Business Plan
Monthly $39 $119
Annual $396 $1,188
fee 3% 2%
student × unlimited
course ×
blog post
member ship unlimited unlimited

\Start For Free!/

Recommend Best Online Course Platforms








